Blue’s Clues!

Blue’s Clues!

The dog is the clue

Best Played: Indoors or Outdoors

Supplies Needed: 

Basic Rules:
Print out paw prints and tape them on three items. Have your kid try to find the clues. After finding each clue, either you or your child can draw it on the notepad using the crayon. Once you find all three clues, go to the designated “thinking chair” and have them figure out what the three clues mean.

Younger kids love Blue’s Clues and I do not understand it. But this game takes hide and seek and adds troubleshooting to it. Get ready to play this game multiple times over and over again. The first thing to do is to come up with a good list of things for your kid to figure out. You can even make them do chores with this game. Got to feed the dog? Put a clue on the dog (or dog bed), one on their food bowl, and one where you store the dog food. You can also use this game to lead into other fun things like going on a walk by putting one on your shoes, the door, and maybe a coat. 

My kid thinks it’s hilarious if I make ridiculous guesses when we’re figuring out the clues on the “thinking chair.” Using the dog food example, say “Maybe we need to put the dog bowl on the dog and pour dog food on it?” or “Maybe we need to put the dog in the dog bowl and pour food on the dog?”  Make it silly and fun.



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