Balloon Juggle

Balloon Juggle!

Balloon Juggle

Balloon stuck on the ceiling? Instant win.

Best Played: Indoors

Supplies Needed: 

  • Balloons

Basic Rules:
Hit a balloon in the air and do not let it hit the ground.

This game is super simple but there are lots of fun ways to make it interesting. You can make rules like only hit it with your hand or only with your foot. If your kids are older, you can hit each other’s balloons or you cannot let the balloon hit the ceiling. This game can easily turn into a full contact game. For the younger kids, you can hit each other’s balloons with your own balloon.

It’s not a real game until you are diving on the couch to stop the balloon from hitting the ground.

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Marshmallow Wars!

Marshmallow Wars!

Ammo... I mean Marshmallows

Best Played: Indoors

Supplies Needed: 

  • Marshmallows
  • Cardboard (Optional)

Basic Rules:
Run around the house like crazy throwing marshmallows at each other.

There is nothing more satisfying than throwing small objects at your kid’s head. It’s even better when they don’t end up crying for hours. The basic idea of this game is just to throw marshmallows at each other, because why not. This is especially good for younger kids. 

For older kids, you can keep score on who has been hit the most. If you have multiple kids, use your whole living space and play Capture the Flag. You can also build cardboard forts or make cardboard armor. 

Either way, make sure you have extra marshmallows left over so you can eat some after you clean up the mess from the war. Oh and the winner of the war does not have to help clean up. 


Balloon Baseball!

Balloon Baseball!

Balloon Baseball

Best Played: Indoors

Supplies Needed: 

  • Balloons
  • Paper Plates

Basic Rules:
It’s super complicated. Imagine baseball, but with a balloon in your living room. There is a pitcher and one batter. The pitcher throws the balloon to the hitter, and the hitter swings their hand to hit the balloon.

Want a game that will get your children (and yourself) utterly exhausted? This is your game. Blow up a balloon and start playing. I use paper plates as bases, but you can use anything, even just paper. 

For younger kids, I use all 4 bases (they don’t have to be that far apart from each other). I don’t count it as an out if I catch the balloon, and I let them throw the balloon at me to get me out. I frequently throw the balloon really hard right behind them (so they think I am actually trying). I also only do 1 out, and you have to round all the bases so you are constantly going back and forth between pitching and hitting.

For older kids, I do play that if you catch the balloon it is an out. This encourages them to hit it toward the ground. You can also play with ghost runners. This means if you get to first base and don’t get tagged with the balloon, you can declare a ghost runner on first and re-hit. But on the next hit, if the pitcher is able to get the balloon and tag second before you get to first, the ghost runner is out. For quicker games, only use 1 out instead of 3. 
